
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Life of Libby!

Life has been crazy!!! 3 kids, 3 dogs, a husband, a job, running our own companies, and having the best time!! Yes we have 3 kids! Charleigh, Casen and Camden! Yes, we have 3 dogs, Biscuits, Rocco and Piper. My wonderful husband, Joseph. We have been together for 10  years and married for 4! And he still puts up with me! Running our own companies!! My husband owns and operates his own lawn and landscaping business. It started out as a side job on the weekends and slowly became his full time job.  I own and operate an Amazon Seller account. There is a long story about how Amazon became apart of our life and I will be writing a blog post about it in another post. And having a fun time! We are trying to make the most of our time and plan to spend as much time as possible with our kids and giving them the best life we can!