Debt Free Journey 11/12/2019

Our Debt Free Journey

We met our breaking point with debt when we were constantly living paycheck to paycheck with little to nothing left over every other week.

I started to follow a few debt free account so YouTube and Instagram.
A few of my favorites are BudgetGirl, DebtKickinMom and theFrugalFreaks

We are currently following the Dave Ramsey Plan using the snowball method of paying down our smallest debt first while still paying the minimums on all of our other debts.

We have currently paid off $7,470 of our $33,914 spread out across a lawn mower (hubby needed for his lawn service) 3 credit cards, 2 cars and both of our student loans.

Our current debt freedom date is March 2022. This is calculated without paying off our home mortgage.


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