
Debt Free Journey 11/12/2019

Our Debt Free Journey We met our breaking point with debt when we were constantly living paycheck to paycheck with little to nothing left over every other week. I started to follow a few debt free account so YouTube and Instagram. A few of my favorites are BudgetGirl, DebtKickinMom and theFrugalFreaks We are currently following the Dave Ramsey Plan using the snowball method of paying down our smallest debt first while still paying the minimums on all of our other debts. We have currently paid off $7,470 of our $33,914 spread out across a lawn mower (hubby needed for his lawn service) 3 credit cards, 2 cars and both of our student loans. Our current debt freedom date is March 2022. This is calculated without paying off our home mortgage.

11/11/19.....the FLU!

So far the flu has taken down 2 of the 5 people in our household!!! Suspecting another one of us is about to bite the dust. This cold and flu season is hitting hard in the Galey household. Poor Charleigh never gets sick, but when she does, its the FLU!

The Life of Libby!

Life has been crazy!!! 3 kids, 3 dogs, a husband, a job, running our own companies, and having the best time!! Yes we have 3 kids! Charleigh, Casen and Camden! Yes, we have 3 dogs, Biscuits, Rocco and Piper. My wonderful husband, Joseph. We have been together for 10  years and married for 4! And he still puts up with me! Running our own companies!! My husband owns and operates his own lawn and landscaping business. It started out as a side job on the weekends and slowly became his full time job.  I own and operate an Amazon Seller account. There is a long story about how Amazon became apart of our life and I will be writing a blog post about it in another post. And having a fun time! We are trying to make the most of our time and plan to spend as much time as possible with our kids and giving them the best life we can!

Twin essientials!!

With recently having the twins, I have come to realize all of the things that are essential to have for them that I didn't need with our oldest. Like our double stroller. With Char we didn't really use the stroller for the first couple of months. It wasn't so hard to just carry her. With a car seat in each hand it is bit difficult to go places! lol   Get a 6 drawer dresser. We split these sides up between the twins. One gets three drawers, the other gets three drawers. We just keep the same things in the drawers that are side by side. Top is socks and bibs, middle is jammies, and bottom is for pants and shorts. We also got a baby Breeza. If you don't know what this is,  it is an automatic baby formula maker. We absolutely love ours. I wouldn't recommend this for parents with one child. It is kind of pricey. But since we had two infants screaming in our ears when they were hungry it was so much easier to just hit a button when and start a bottle instead o

Repressing makeup powders!

Today I repressed two powders. I have been fighting to use these two items since they both broke at the same time 😢 since I had some time just now, I decided o would repress them.  I used: Rubbing alcohol A spoon A knife  Disinfecting wipes And a ziplock bag I took all of the powder out of the container and poured it into the ziplock bag. I scrapped the inside of the compact to make sure I got all of it out of the container. I then took a disinfecting wipe and wiped down the compact. Then I crushed the powder that was in the ziplock bag with the back of the spoon, making sure it was all the same consistsncy. I then gently poured it all back into the compact. Once it was all back in, I poured in a cap full of running alcohol. Stirring with the knife I made sure it was all saturated. Then I spread it along the compact as evenly as I could. Now we wait for the alcohol to evaporate. I waited over night. The next morning I took a paper towel and the back of the bottom of a spray bottle I h

Long time, no blog post!!!

So I've been on a little bit of a hiatus lately! Well we recently had a few new additions to our family! First is our Pomeranian dog, biscuit. He is 6 years old and absolutely loves our daughter. (yes I did put a bow in his hair lol)   The next additions to our family were our twins, yes I said twins!!! When I stopped posting was right after we found out we were pregnant, but before we knew there were two in there lol. Casen is our son (left) Camden is our daughter (right). We are beyond blessed to have them and Charleigh in our lives!     

Off clip on mosquito repellent!

Thank you walgreens! I was able to get these for $1 a piece! I have been waiting on these to go on sale so I can give them to my daughter and niece when they are outside playing in the evenings.  Breakdown: Walgreens regular price- $9.99 Sale price- $4.99 Manufacturer coupon $4 off of any one off starter kit. Final price- $0.99 a piece! Yay!  Saved 90%!  Refills-  Walgreens regular price- $8.97 Sale price- $2.99 Manufacturer coupon $2 off any off refill.  Final price- $0.99 yay! Savings of 86%