Twin essientials!!

With recently having the twins, I have come to realize all of the things that are essential to have for them that I didn't need with our oldest. Like our double stroller. With Char we didn't really use the stroller for the first couple of months. It wasn't so hard to just carry her. With a car seat in each hand it is bit difficult to go places! lol


Get a 6 drawer dresser. We split these sides up between the twins. One gets three drawers, the other gets three drawers. We just keep the same things in the drawers that are side by side. Top is socks and bibs, middle is jammies, and bottom is for pants and shorts.

We also got a baby Breeza. If you don't know what this is,  it is an automatic baby formula maker. We absolutely love ours. I wouldn't recommend this for parents with one child. It is kind of pricey. But since we had two infants screaming in our ears when they were hungry it was so much easier to just hit a button when and start a bottle instead of waiting on the water to warm up and then put the formula in a shaker and shake it all together. 

My next would be bottle racks for the dish washer. These things are amazing to use when your washing a big batch of bottles. When the twins were newborns I felt like we were going through all of our bottles 3 times a day! That is a lot of bottles to wash! I would wash them out and put them in these baskets and then just run the dish washer. Easy as that! 

We also got a bottle sterilizer for the microwave. This was great for the times I was able to hand wash the bottles but wanted an extra sanitize without having to run my dishwasher. I
I recommend a diaper bag that had multiple pockets! The one we have has 15 pockets! I love it. That includes and insulated pocket for when we would make bottles when we were getting ready to head out and knew they were going to eat soon!

If you have any other questions on any other items we may have used for the twins feel free to ask! I will be glad to answer!


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